Saturday, October 18, 2008

there was dis seminar on 'carcinogenesis' held at BLT, but since clah n i were all restless during dat particular time, dis is wat we actually did. ;p

p/s: fyi, we did listen. tapi at the same time, we did the 'note-taking' jugak kan clah. dis is wat we call multitasking. ;;p

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it shud b more, but erased some.

and dis is what raden did:

A I ' N U L

A- A llah is in my heart always.

I- I ndependent

N-N aive

U-U nique

L-L ove ????

so, here comes the devil me, n clah too.


A- A silah

I- I s

N-N ice

U-U nbound

L- L ove


A-A inul

I-I s

N-N ever

U-Unique yet the gedik-est



sorry raden. eheh.

oh btw, clah did dis for me. so shweet of you.
i asked her to do sumthin for me, and she came up wit dis.
but anyway, i loike it. teehee.


aliah kama said...

cane nak pronounce 'clah'?
cutenye pndai lukis!

Anonymous said...

hehe..time kaseh..
malunye..hehe..bese je tuh lukis.. saye asilah..2b short n sweet..ppl tend to call me..clah (silah)..hehe

hehe..awk ske buat bnda sweet2 kat kt eh..
thanx for posting it in ur blog..
heheh.. <3
pasni kt buleh wat keje2 merepk tersbut dlm lec lagi eh..
juz to make d brain working during those few hours..hehe