At first, I wasnt so sure whether I could survive well when everyone's leaving. I was so pathetic. Well, its not that im not independent or wat. But then, the thought that im gonna be lonely during dis short period of time is what bothers me the most.
To tell u the truth, I hate being left. Its the fear of being left. I'm not a lil-baby who always relies on other people, but I do admit I hate to be alone. I always need company. And I always need sumone to talk to.
Its only thursday n yet, dira, su, and tira already went home. So, only three of us left but the loneliness starts to sink in. aaaa.
Me: "Clah, mcm mane nih. baru jumaat, tapi kt mcm da depress n sedih gile tgk sume org balik. kt da start rase sgt sunyi n kosong hari ni. Mcm mane kt nak hidup lg brape hr? kt sgt tak suke perasaan ditinggalkan =((( "
Clah: " takpe, kt faham perasaan awk. maybe awk x biase lagi. nanti kt balik awal eh."
As day passes by, its not that bad afterall. And clah, u shud b really proud of me. kt berjaya survive dgn jayanya. Tahniah shahira. hoho. and raden, she drives me crazyy. kegilaan melanda kami berdua. and my favourite script everyday will be, "rumah ini kita yg punya". so, raden, we're free to do whatever we want kan kan? *evil laugh*
Evryday will be hari-yang-indah-bersama-raden, my one and only retard partner and roomie. and my mushy partner. also my partner in crime. we tend to do kerja-gila when the other hsmates are not around. Like today. At the end of the day, we became all mushy.
sweet lah konon kan.
p/s: clah, jgn jealous k? anda tetap terpahat di lubuk sanubari. ;p
Went out with raden the whole day n bought some stuffs.
Its a-love-at-a-first sight. chomel tak? I loike. hee. :D
and she bought a pair of shoes too.
Kami jatuh cinta dgn keychain ini. so, we bought em.Wanted the red one at first, but finally chose the blue one. found it adorable. hee.
Sekian. =)
kasut, keychain tuh!!! :D
nanti kt balik subang, kt shopping bersame2 k? =D
nek gle kt tgk dan bace ur only 'mendera-perasaan-hati-clah' post nih..haha...
seyes..jeles gle with d shoes n keychain bearie yg cumel bgt tuh..
NAK JUGAK!!!!! :(
gurl..i adore ur shoes a LOT..
let us xchange with my coolest sportiy shoe..plish~ :D
hehe..but,since my name was written in here a LOT..
saye tutup mate pade brg2 tersebut..
it was soo shweet of u for still rembring me on ur craziest day with raden..ehehe..
Now i noe how bad shiro is MISSING CLAH..
geee...miss u too shiro~~
wait till im back tau..
cLah Yg DirIndui slalo..hehe :P
sorryla clah. sape suro balik. lain kali stay wit us. br la awk boleh menghadapi pelbagai perkara yg cool bersama kami. hoho.
regarding ur oh-so-ever-cool-sport-shoes, no matter how cool it is, still my love is only for the-love-at-a-first-sight. ;p
and please stop being mushy okay. well, i do miss you. tapi sikit je la. eheh.
babe! i want those shoes too!
belikn la utk i.. pastu pos indon.
ak da la perlukn kasut bru ni (^^o)
kasut itu comel. kamu pakai lagi comel. kalau kt pakai. sgt tak comel, malah hodoh. duniawi...~~
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