Thursday, October 30, 2008


One minute, im happy, the very next minute, im no longer happy. funny ey. How u can b happy in just a minute, and then, its all gone. Sumtimes we have to expect of the unexpected things. The prob wit me is I always expect or more to prepare for the worse. maybe for me, when I think of the worse, and when it actually happens, its not gonna be dat bad.
I do think a lot. Think and think deeply until my mind gets too tired. My friends know that. Often they tell me not to think too much and stop being super paranoid. Sumtimes, I tend to think of the unnecessary things, and it drives me nuts.

Today is not a good day though. Perasaan yg sgt serabut and kacau after sumthin happened. Not gonna elaborate more on that cuz its not sumthin to share wit other people kot. I guess I'll just keep it to myself. Anyway clah, thanks a lot. You really helped. I mean it dis time. Kt tak tau nak buat mcm mane kalau awk xde td. thanks yea. feeling much more better now. :D

Lately, im not being myself. too many distractions, I guess.
Shahira, please get back on the right track. please. stop being silly.

My sister texted me yesterday. After few msgs, she finally said this.
"I think I miss u la"
"Adik tak miss ya ke?"

And my lil bro, Adam calls me almost everyday asking me how am i doin, and etc.
Being Adam, everyone in the family knows that he's super egoistic. He wont call us without a reason.
"Adik, Adam tak boleh tido la. Adam boring"

to my only lil baby, stop being egoistic and please admit that u miss ur sister dearly. haha.

The truth is I'm missing all of you.
After exam adik balik k? :D

When you're sad, think of sumthin which can make you smile. I just did.
Goodbye Mr. Sorrow. I dont want you. I want my Mr. Joy, please. :D


Nina :) said...

yes babe. goodbye mr sorrow.
i need to slalu remind myself too.
my sis pn aritu tny xmiss me ke.
tp at the end, die suro ak blk jd tukg cuci pggn die.hah.sengal.

shera said...

yeah. together we rock yea. marilah kt sentiasa berada di dalam "pelangi". =) na, balik cepat! gue kangen.

aliah kama said...

gue juga kangenn sama lu,adik dan nina,si pncuci pggn kakak.sorg2 je kat sini!

sudu said...

rindu gak rindu gak

adam tepon kt gak malam2

(hisy... itu menakutkan bunyinya)

baru kat perak ek...

nih kat egypt nih sape nk kol malam2...:(

aliah kama said...

egypt lg dkt okayhh..sebelah taiping je kan..
shera ni jauh ok.
we're talking about ipoh tau!
ish awk ni...

Anonymous said...

gu...its not a prob at all dear shiro..
sumtyme..u need a shoulder to hold on..
sumtyme...there r thngs u cannot take it alone..
dats y..
a super duper frens like me r sent to u..
heheh :P
neway..jgn tade mood da eh..
heartbroken tgk kamoo begitu dong..