Friday, October 31, 2008

Nur Shahira. ;p

My friends were listing out their nicknames, and what people usually call them. So, they came out with nicknames yg chomels. It seems fun.
Nak jugak lah. hee.

Nur Shahira Bt. Anuar.

Well, according to my parents, my name was given by dis one ustaz. Ustaz Saidon kot.( I dunt know how to spell it). Nur is Cahaya while Shahira is Masyhur.
Jadi, Nur Shahira adalah cahaya kemasyhuran. :D
fyi, i like my name. thank you.

You see, everytime i meet sumone new, when they ask me what should they call me, my answer will be the same answer, again and again. Call me whatever you want. Anythin ure comfortable with, will do. I really dont mind.
Entahhh. Dari dulu pon mcm ni. tak pernah nak suruh org panggil by specific names.
Mama always tells me to use shahira rather than other names. Sbb shahira ade makna. if we make it short or use other names, its no longer 'masyhur'. =)

Shahira is a common name though. tapi kann, I used to tell my friends back in pasum, I'd be very happy if people call me shahira. sbb dari dulu, people tend to call me with pelbagai nama, sbb shahira panjang, for them susah nak sebut or panggil. tak kisahla.
tapi sgtt impress if people spell my name correctly. teruja okay. sbb org slalu eja salah. with y la, plus h at the end and etc. haha. funny me.

These are what people normally call me:

Adik: family.
Berra: ya and sumtimes, faiz.
Bedik: also ya. I've no idea where dis word comes from. weirdo.
Shera: my subang friends. jaja was the first to call me that kot. lupe. tapi, form 2 lah.
Shira: ramai. from all over. tapi majority, my pasum friends.
Sherot: nina! the only one.
Sha: normally guys kot.
Ira: err, mostly guys jugak.
Shasha: I forgot. tapi adela.
Sherry: alyssa! my cellmate in pasum.
Shiro: asilah!
Genie: hijaz!
Alya(A2DC): The fabulous 5. Annis as cinta, aliah as maura, batch as milly, and na as carmen.

Caira: Shidot, aten.

Funny thing, my friends in rcmp call me shahira. aint no other. pelik jugak. tapi, yeayness. :D
But sumhow, rindu pulak sume name tu.
Thats all kot. Will add more if ade. oh, btw, anyone wants to add more? ;)


Anonymous said...

hahahha..pity u..bnyk name plik..
tgk macam saya..
sgt2 susah nk cfreate a new name/nickname...
sgt hebat name saye!!

sudu said...

nk panggil awk shahira la...

aliah kama said...

nak pggl awk mahsyur lah

maliQ said...

nak panggil "cahaya kemasyhuran di pagi indah" ahh

ambik kau XD

shera said...

panggil la kt dgn segala nama yg ade di dunia. ;p

Anonymous said...


aliah kama said...


Anonymous said...

if gtu
sy pon nk pnggil awk shahira

::nadira`s sis::

Basirah Borhanuddin. said...

hahaha. name aadc tuh tak tahan.
kenangan! ;)
nk pggl awk shahira ah skrg. hehe.

maliQ said...

"segala ape yang ada di dunia"!
in short, SAYADD
hi sayadd!