Thursday, July 19, 2012

The journey.


“To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.” (Al Baqarah:156)

I am a traveler, on a journey planned by my Rabb.

and I'm still searching for the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm desperately in need of guidance. but deep down, I know Allah is there, always. My creator, and to Him I shall return.

Sungguh, pencarian itu memerlukan kesabaran. dan perjalanan mencari tuhan itu bukan mudah.

" Many of us lost God in our lives, but we claimed we're still alive"- Yasmin Mogahed.
Ironic,isnt it? Truth hurts, and reality bites. Nauzubillah.

Sungguh, titik permulaan mengenali tuhan itu  penuh cabaran dan ranjau, tapi hati-hati yang telus, ikhlas dan lunak hanya keranaNya akan menemui apa yg dicari, dgn izinNya.

I need a turning point of my life, for the better me, before its too late. The preparation to meet my Rabb. Nothing is too late except death.

"the man who decided to change on the 12th hour dies on the 11th"- Hlovate

 Its too deep, and it strikes me.

Hati manusia tu Allah yang pegang. dan Allah juga mampu membolak-balikkan hati manusia sekelip mata atas kehendakNya.

" Ya Allah, kau peganglah hati ini, jangan pernah sekali kau lepaskannya, dan dekatkanlah hati ini dgnMu, jadikanlah hati ini hati yg sentiasa mengingatiMu dan tidak sekali-kali melupakanMu"
I always need You.

Sungguh, pencarian itu terasa indah dan manis, penuh makna bila dilalui bersama-sama insan tersayang, sama-sama meraih kecintaan Sang Pencipta. Nikmat yg tak ternilai harganya.

I want to be in Jannah with people that I love. None of them to be left out. Together, forever in Jannah.
Only and only if you know, especially my family and my close friends. My muslim brother and sisters, and simply everyone.

Patience and sacrifices are all you need. I will, insyaAllah. 
Sungguh, da'wah itu bukan mudah.

Luahan hati,
hamba Allah yang khilaf.

Twenty second.

8th of May, 2012.
Alhamdulillah, another chance to breathe, another year to live,another opportunity to experience life, in different perspectives, views, and thoughts.

Alhamdulillah for your never ending blessings, Ya Allah.

Thank you, for all these loveliness. Thank you for being wonderful, people. I'm trully blessed.

May Allah bless.


Lunch treat and choc indulgence from azi & ain.

Another surprise from my dearest Ummu Sulaym sisters.  :)


Family dinner.  :)

Thank you for dropping by and for this cake, desh. :)


Ummu Sulaym sisters, with missing numbers.

Made with love. Thank you farahin n shifaa. :)

Another surprise from beloved housemates. nadira was missing.

My inner strenght, my spinal cord. :)