Tuesday, March 1, 2011

i know i'm a medical student when I....

found this page on facebook and me thinks its pretty cool. and hilarious too.

You know u're a medical student when...

- You take forever explaining to people how long you'll be in school for, and realise you’ll get a medical doctor title the same time your friend gets a PhD doctor title.

- You get depressed and emotional just thinking about how bad a doctor you’ll become in a few years.

- You answer every question with, “Hmm (pretending to think for a second), I don’t know.” And you know the most correct answer is, “It depends, sir.”

You instantly feel that you want to bang your head against the wall whenever someone says “You’re a medical student? You must be very smart then!”, because it’s an unbearable accusation.

- Conversations with people involve “So tell me what happened.”, “So how does that make you feel?”, and “I understand it must be very difficult for you.”

You count the days till your next more-than-two-days-weekend-break, which is at least 4 months away.

It doesn't matter how much you study, there is always so much more material to learn.

*these are the things that i'm currently facing, at least.

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