Monday, March 7, 2011

Mr. H

she: dah tau asthma, kurangkanlah minum ais.
Mr. H: jgn risaula. you sound like a gf and a mummy to me.
she: of course i'm worried. I 'used' to be ur good friend what. heh.
Mr. H: yes, and u'll always be. ;)


things are different now. we both are different now. but i'm still giving out my best and trying hard to keep this friendship. you can count on my words, and i hope ur keeping ur words too.

just so you know, when somethin's concerning you, i always care. and i mean it.
eventhough i might not show it most of the time.

take care buddy!

1 comment:

Nina :) said...

thats nice to hear. ehem!