Saturday, January 17, 2009

compilation of memoirs.

woke up early in the morning,
checked my hp,
few new msgs, few missed calls,
read em, erased em.

was about to delete other msgs in my inbox, but i ended up smiling to myself. :)

the same color represents the same person, okay?

" If u'r happy, i'll b happy too. If u'r sad, i'll b sad too. If u'r angry, i'll b angry too, If u'r crying, i'll cry with u, If u need help, i'm here for u, If u wanna tell, i'll listen to u.
I luv ya dear! "

"Yesterday u told me sumthin i thought u knew, and I told u with a smile, 'its all about u'. Then u whispered in my ears and u told me too, said 'u make my life worthwhile', its all about you. "

"Hey. ull b fine dear. True frenship lasts the test of time. She wont b gone 4eva"

"ouhh. eh? we need u. seriously weyh. huhu. pls, pls kay."

"Hi, how r u? I'm going back 2 Japan next week. If possible, maybe we can go for a lunch if u'r free?"
(okay, this part is hilarious. there's a story behind it. haha. i miss u, hide-my classmate in british council)

"Huhu. once upon a time, there was a genie whu culdnt fall asleep. so, she closd her eyes n thot of hepi thots dat made her smile. thn she fell asleep. ;p"

" Bestnye dpt peluk awk be4 gi matriks. syg awk.
Thanks. u too. good luck kat pasum nanti. i luv u so much"
(knowing her, i couldnt believe she actly wrote dat. terharu)

"Ok. Up to u lar. B prepared for 6 tough years ahead! We r ryt behind u!"
(This sumhow means a lot to me. thanx)

"Shera. how r u 2day? Kt doakan awk cepat sihat k. ktorg sume risau. take care yah. klu kt ad kat ruma blh jgk dtg tgk. tp sume jauh2.pls take care tau shera. rehat k."
(when i had rubella.)

"sdey la x dpt jumpe awk lg da pasni. =( hey thanks 4 da pressie!so cute. u bought tht frm swak eh?thanx syg! n thanx 4 da massage td. hehee. =)"

"Aww. kt sedih.tsk2.kt tau ktorg sume hargai eachother dgn cara yg berbeda.kita long as ktorg sume stay cnncted. i'Allah bnde ni akn bertahan. thanx jugak shera. d thought of still having korang sume buat kt kuat. :D tdolah.gudnite."

"oh. insyaallah. just so u knw, i miss u. walau kt da jarang jumpe, tp kt still syg awk. n sowry if i do neglect u. i was a jerk. tp awk still top5 org plg pntg kt. :)"

"Salam syera, ape khabar, sy sgt teringat kat awk, sy rase semakin jauh dgn awk, tp sy x pernah lupa awk, byk sgt gembira dgn awk. Harap awk sihat"

"Jangan bilang tidak' jikaku berkata yg 'ku merindu'i kamu. namun daku 'menjaga hati'ku supaya tidak mengikut kata hati kernaku tahu 'cinta' boleh membuatkan manusia buta.
'ku mahu kau tahu' bahawa 'bila aku sudah tiada', hatiku tetap menjadi milikmu.

(another hilarious one. creative mind, aishah. combinations of our memoirs, pasum time. i miss!)

sentimental, i know. shahira mmg begini. i actually saved those msgs cuz each of em has a story behind it, and i still remember semuanya.


Basirah Borhanuddin. said...

terasa dan tersentuh. huhuu.
shera mmg sentimental. heh :D
we love u shera.
and i miss u!

Annis Natalia Abdul Hamed Shah said...

sangat sweet! kt pon tersentuh. huhu. love u babe! always! =)

maliQ said...

ohh damn
kite x pernah ckp ape2 yg inspiring kat awak ke?

Basirah Borhanuddin. said...

maliq.. dgn shera ko lemah lembut ek?
kite awk? hahah :D

maliQ said...

yes dgn shera je aku ckp "kite" dan "awak"

dgn ekau wahai annis
"oii" sudaaa
ahahahah jk2 =P

aliah kama said...

hahahh.maliq mmg.dgn shera die berlembut skit.

tau takot.


shera said...

dah2. korg jgn gado eh.