Thursday, September 23, 2010

goodbye Medicine.

Its kinda relief that medicine posting is finally over. its just too hectic especially yesterday when we had 2 bedside teachings with dr.Hla and dr. Mra, but Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah when everything went smoothly and it ended well. compared to the very first all-mixed-up-feelings, i hafta agree that medicine aint that bad afterall. one thing for sure,its real challenging and you gotta be all prepared for it. anyhoo, surgery is always my first of choice, so far. we'll see how it goes for another 2 postings left.

and oh, Hello Orthopaedics. please treat me well, so I will like you too! :)

Exam more or less in 2 months time but i havent started anything yet. I can see the changes in atmosphere.

The best theraphy after a packed and hectic week, is going back to the place where i belong, home sweet home.aint no other place like home, definitely. ;)


Basirah Borhanuddin. said...

Hee. Hello orthopedics! :)
Kita sukeeeee doktor tulang2. 1 of my fav dr. time kat SJMC dulu. Hehehe.

shera said...

you like ortho that much ay? eheh. but mmg most of the ortho doctors are nice and cool pon. =)