Tuesday, May 4, 2010

i'm finally home, and officially on a month break. Alhamdulillah, everything went well, and i passed my very first professional exam. syukran. cou
ldnt ask for more. thank you Allah for everything. =)

8 modules(2 years syllabus)+1 week revision+2 weeks of study weeks+3 days of exam+a day of waiting for results to be out = palpitation, tachycardia, enough to drive me up on the wall.
alhamdulillah eve
rythin's over now, for the time being at least. its time to take a break. lets take a chill pill, people. pheww.

it really gave me a huge impact this time. nothin like stress. okay, tipu. i kept on telling myself that i'm forever stress-free, when it comes to exam
and i never want to get stress especially when exams so freaking near. simply because everything starts to become all serabut the moment the stress is there. when people ask me whether i'm stress or tak, i would answer: its a choice to be stressful. you decide whether you want to be one or not! anyhoo,this time, its a really HUGE thing to me. its not a burden, but more to responsibilities that i've to carry. and this time, evrything changed. not only a pre-exam syndromes but also post-exam syndromes as well. the syndromes even persist through out the journey. sgt dasyat tak tipu.

ns jumbled up.
candida albicans vs corpus albicans

tinea coli vs tinea solium

tunica vaginalis vs trichomonas vaginalis.
yadayadayada. its fun though. hilarious! gonna miss these precious moments, Big time!

glad its over. glad i managed to get thru it, with Allah's will, and with the help of others. and im sooo grateful and overwhelmed for having wonderful people in my life, my dearest family and friends and their never-ending support and prayers. seriously, i couldnt ask for more, dear Allah. thank you thank you thank you for everything. Alhamdulillah. =)

Al-Baqarah [152] Oleh itu ingatlah kamu kepadaKu (dengan mematuhi hukum dan undang-undangKu), supaya Aku membalas kamu dengan kebaikan dan bersyukurlah kamu kepadaKu dan janganlah kamu kufur (akan nikmatKu).

Al-Baqarah(186) "Dan apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepadamu (wahai Muhammmad) tentang Aku, (maka jawablah) sesungguhnya Aku ini dekat, Aku menjawab seruan orang yang berdoa kepadaKu apabila dia berdoa. Maka hendaklah dia menjawab seruanKu (menunaikan perintahKu) dan beriman kepadaKu, agar supaya mereka selalu berada di atas petunjuk”

to my dearest housemates, and study group mates(raden,tira, iylman, mel, muadz, naqib, desh), congratulations guys! glad we made it together. you people are the best! zillion thanks. you guys have been helping me a lot,hanya Allah yg dpt balas jasa korang. loves!

and to my other friends who didnt make it this time, best wishes to each of you. our prayers will always be with you, insyaAllah. we're rite behind you! :D

shall see you guys in june alryte. be prepared for another tough years ahead and welcome to CLINICAL YEARS. lets do this together! =)

p/s: khas utk kwn2 subang, dan sesiapa sahaja yg sedang berjuang utk final, buat elok2 kay. kt doakan korang, insyaAllah. selamat berjuang and cepatlah pulang semua orang. rindu please! *hugs*


Nina :) said...

wooo alhamdulillah congrats sherot..
gile da nak masuk clinical..advanced dow. aku leh bygkn kau jd doktor,tp segan2 nk pegang..wahaha..tp aku xleh bygkan wani..haha..good luck for the next phase. and hv fun bercuti. i'll be home 12-16th may..marilah jumpe kalau kite dua xbz k?

Annis Natalia Abdul Hamed Shah said...


my dear, i'm perfectly fine here.the post was for that person i was seeing. heheh. details later.lol.

i cant wait to finish exam, fly home and see u all!!!
bila awk habis cuti? =)

naa: i miss u. ko cuti tak nanti masa akak aku kawin? u have to be there!!!!!

shera said...

na: thanx na. kt sendiri pon tak dpt nak imagine sbenarnya. masuk clinical pada umur 20 tahun. mcm cepat je. how time flies so fast kan. and i cant wait to see you! bagoslah korang2 sume cuti lebih kurang. yeay! :D

annis:thanx a lot babe. u better tell me the details okay. in the mean time, please focus on ur exam. miss you!

mealiella said...

alhamdulillah, we made it together.
thanx to you too, my dear.
anyway, happy belated birthday.
may Allah bless you always. forever.

shera said...

thanx mel! love you always. eheh.