Saturday, May 8, 2010


so, it was my birthday. the day im turning 20. as i grow older, a birthday is actually nothing really important to me. but maybe not to anyone else. i dont really mind if i dont get suprise party from the people i love, i dont mind if there are no birthday presents. i used to get all excited to all these things, but i can no longer feel the excitement. its true. no longer hoping. no longer waiting like how i used to back then. but i do believe, its the thought that counts. its the prayers from you people that i need. and i appreciate it when people remember. especially the one who are dear(s) and near to my heart. thats all. and the thing that i wont deny, i would get upset and a lil disappointed if these people forget. because i used to get warm wishes from these same people every year, which makes me feel that im always remembered. =)

alhamdulillah, Allah has granted most of my wishes. and I thank Allah for that. I keep on reminding myself, jadilah hamba-Nya yang sentiasa bersyukur kerana sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa memberikan yg terbaik utk hambaNya.
semoga dengan peningkatan usia, kt akan lebih dkt dgnNya, insyaAllah.

im grateful to be with my loved ones on the day im turning 20 since thats one of my wishes.
thanks to my family for always bringing out the best in me. i love you!

and the day im turning 20 is the day i shall remember forever for its the day one of wonderful and special people in my life returned to Allah. Allah loves him more. Al-fatihah.


syanabel said...

Hepi belated awak..hehehe

shera said...

thanx awkk! :)