Saturday, July 25, 2009

bubble tea!


1)I'm craving for bubble tea badlyyyyyy. I want bubble tea, pretty please? kenapa kempunan sgt ni. haiyo. and why is it so hard to find one in Ipoh.

2)Why is it so hard to get things off my mind and why cant I just close my eyes and sleep?

3)Bulan sgtt indah mlm ni. :))

4)Hujan rintik-rintik. me likey.

5)I'm soooo into Karambunai. me definetely has no idea, but there's definetely sumthin about it.

6)Ive been thinking a lottttttt through out the day. why oh whyy. thinking with real deep thoughts pulak tuh. pastu mula lah melayan perasaan. not good. hobi yg sudah sekian lama tidak

7)"I've got my pride, I'll not cry, but its making me weak". something is distracting me again. go away, oh please.

8)I shoudnt get distracted sepatutnya. shud have done wit Dyspepsia. ILA oh ILA..

9)Me thinks 2nd year topics are tougher than first year syllabus.

10)Say hello to my new BUDDY. :))

11)Feels better after talking to maliq today, annis semalam. sy perlu membebel utk tidak terus berfikir. :)

12) Cant wait to go homeee. Friday, it is. It is Friday, I'm in love. whatever yeah.

11)Might be going to Langkawi. bole pg beach lagi. yeay. :))

My housemates are away, now you know why I sounded so pathetic kan. patut lahhh.
Loneliness starts to sink in. I miss home, I miss Adam and Nano, I miss starlight, I miss Annis Natalia, I miss some people.

Since when, shahira?

Stand by me.


cLah said...

gee shirot..
patutla d 1st time i saw u ble blk..
muke awk mcm pnuh reaksi yg xdifahami gle.
hehe..2lah awak..
kt ngn raden xder mule nak pkr bukan2.
ape2 me k..

jom lyn lagu jiwang cpt..hehe

Annis Natalia Abdul Hamed Shah said...

anytime sayang if u wanna membebel i'm always here ehhehehehe

shera said...

silot: segann wehh. ahah. da la i was caught in the act. awk ni tau2 je. haiyoo. lame kott tak layan lagu jiwang n layan perasaan.

annis: thanx dear. :))