Tuesday, May 19, 2009

no more.

i aint affected. fullstop.

i'm doing just fine.
getting along very well.

premis 1: shahira anuar sudah tidak rapuh lagi.

premis 2: shahira anuar tidak terkesan olehnya.

konklusi: shahira anuar tidak terkesan olehnya maka beliau sudah tidak rapuh lagi.

coolness ay. bravo anda, bravo. *claps*


Annis Natalia Abdul Hamed Shah said...

what is this about, dear? nak tau!! =)

aliah kama said...

omg! statement! argument! an argument is correct when the premise constitute good ground in affirming the conclusion. haha critical thingking beliauuu.

nina said...

ap al merepek ni?
da nk msk sebulan post ni, ak br nk bce..
uhh..sheraaaa..lme sgt la ni xchat, xtau cite ape