Friday, April 10, 2009

for the past 7 days in a row; more or less, i had dis terrible nightmare. bukan nightmare dah kot. daymare skali. is there such word? heh. its like, everytime i sleep, be it day or night, even when i took a short nap pon bole mimpi teruk. gotta figure out why. tapi evrytime before tido mesti baca doa and basuh kaki. but still, mimpi teruk jugak. teruk or a real weird dream, its a must. those dreams were so real that sumtimes,i couldnt wake myself up, or unable to get back to sleep, either one.

sampai to the extent i could feel dat i was forcing myself so hard to open up my eyes simply because i want to end those dreams. physically, mentally, emotionally tired. i can feel the strong, unpleasant, mixed-up emotions all over me. pernah one day, i woke up shockingly and terus terduduk and cried as hard as i could. everytime lepas bangun, praise be to Allah, those were only dreams. Alhamdulillah.

Musculoskeletal-Skin System exam is over but dis time, its not the usual relieved feeling after exam, instead, perasaan yg tidak enak menanti Final Of Phase 1A exam. sindrom pra peperiksaan major.

note to myself: please please please study.
note to rakan2 serumah: selamat berjuang rakan-rak
anku. we'll do this together.
and to the the rest, chaiyok2.
; )

tirot, shirot, dibot, radenot/dinot, silot.

note to Lulu and Tobby: mummy will b away for a while. duduk elok2 dgn silot k?

hmm, bunga dah layu pon. tak pandai jaga.

sebelum layu.


maliQ said...

good luck sheraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

Annis Natalia Abdul Hamed Shah said...

hope ur ok hun. remember, those were just dreams. i miss u loads.

shera said...

maliq: thank you, thank you. i soo need it.

annis: i miss you even more. miss you lots. :((

cLah said...

haha..shirot..pnjg umur..
its like yestrday nite kt br crite all ur weirdo dreams to my sis..
n tau die ckp ape..
die cdgkn awak bt 1 blog mngenai semua mimpi2 awk..hehe..
n i really thought it was a gud idea!
interested?? hehe :P

aahh..lulu n tobe..there hving their best nightmare ever in here..
muahahahahaha :D

hugs n kisses from them T_T

shera said...

ahah. lawakla. tp btol la, bole compile. n like u said the other day, publish it in a nover ke ape kan. tp xde org nak beli pon. ;p
kem salam dkt along eh. huhu.

oh btw, kt tak risau pon. kt tau awk mampu menjaga mereka bagai menatang minyak yg penuh. hoho. rindulaa.